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One of the biggest changes to the admissions process since last year has been the ability for applicants to apply to several universities. They practiced these processes last year and learned a lot. Here is a brief description of the procedure for choosing five directions based on the previous information of Khushnudbek Khudoiberdiev ( When applicants apply, they prioritize 5 areas. That is, they determine in advance which universities they have chosen as the first, second and third, fourth and fifth directions. In this case, the applicant can try his luck in the next direction only if he can not get into the priority. If a contract or grant provides a priority score, the points for the next direction will not be counted and will not be considered. We will explain as an example so that there are no more questions. Suppose an applicant from Fergana chooses a university in the following sequence in the field of history: Direction 1: National University of Uzbekistan Direction 2: University of Oriental Studies Direction 3: FarSU Direction 4: AUL Direction  5: NamSU Suppose an applicant scores a total of 150 points on a test. If this point is enough for the contract to the National University of Uzbekistan, TSU FarSU, AUL or NamSU, then which one can the applicant choose? Can I choose an Oriental budget?       No, it’s not! In this case, the applicant has no choice, as he has identified the National University of Uzbekistan as a priority, and is considered to be included in the contract, the remaining 4 areas are not taken into account. When he does not get enough points in the National University of Uzbekistan, then he moves to Oriental Studies. If the applicant’s score is not enough for the National University of Uzbekistan and Oriental Studies, then FarSU, AUL or NamSU will be considered.