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Today, 16 cities of our country united under a common slogan “In the same country, at the same time, for the same distance, with the same goal – we run together!” united under a common slogan

On June 25, 16 cities of the republic held the New Breath international public running competition and the national shield military-patriotic public running competition on the occasion of Youth Day.

In connection with the celebration of the International Olympic Day (Olympic Day), public runs of a symbolic distance of one mile were also organized at the New Breath international public running competition. At the marathon held in Jizzakh, runners competed at a distance of 3 km. 16 cities of the republic united under a common slogan “Let’s run together in the same homeland, at the same time, for the same distance, with the same goal!”

The start for the participants of the sports event was given at 6:00 in the morning. Students of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University also took part in the event, which included about 2000 young people. Abduqayumov Shahobiddin Olimjon, a student of the 1st stage of the University’s Faculty of Physical Culture, won the second place in the exciting competition.