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The event was organized under the motto “One intellectual is a spiritual patron of one neighborhood”.

Under the motto “One intellectual is a spiritual patron of one neighborhood”, an event was organized in cooperation with the “Nushkent” MFY of Bakhmal district, dedicated to the newly revised Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan and five important initiatives.

The activities held with the participation of teachers and students of the 12th, 26th, 70th general education schools of the pre-school education faculty, and representatives of the local population were held in a very interesting way.

The participants found answers to questions about the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the new version of the “Zakovat” intellectual game, while the art critics started a debate on the works they had read at the “Book-reading” event.

Sports competitions in football, volleyball, chess, table tennis did not leave the participants indifferent. The winners were awarded. In a roundtable discussion with the students of the graduating class of secondary schools, the young students talked about their future professions and dreams.

At the end of the event, winners and prize-winners, active participants were awarded diplomas and souvenirs. The artistic part was shown to the students.