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A meeting with representatives of the US Embassy in Uzbekistan was held at Jizzakh State Pedagogical University

Rector of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University Sh.S. Sharipov met with Head of the Regional English Language Office, Kevin McCoy, Coordinator of the US Embassy in Uzbekistan and English Language Specialist, Sandra Elizabeth Israel, Assistant English Teacher, Natasha Netzorg in the conference hall of the university.

During the roundtable discussion, the cooperation and prospective plans of both organizations were discussed. Also, Sh. Sharipov gave information about the reforms being carried out in the educational institutions of our country, including the JSPU, in the field of learning and teaching foreign languages, especially English, and about the high results in this regard.


Then, during the 2024-2025 academic year, we got to know Sandra Elizabeth Israel, who works as a specialist teacher at the Department of English Language Theory and Practice of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, and exchanged opinions about her work schedule. It was noted that Natasha Netzorg will work at the academic lyceum under JSPU.

It was noted that with the help of these specialists, our students’ knowledge of the English language was further strengthened and they were given the opportunity to communicate with a “native speaker”, as a result of which it was possible to increase their self-confidence in the process of communicating in English.

The meeting ended meaningfully and effectively. Then, the head of the Regional English Language Office, Kevin McCoy, held a seminar-training for teachers and students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​on the topic “Interactive methods of teaching a foreign language”. There was also a discussion on the process of the Access program at the university.