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Educational and practical trainings on the working procedure of “E-election” information system were organized in JSPU.

The “E-election” information system was developed by the Ministry of Digital Technologies in cooperation with the Central Election Commission and launched in test mode in order to ensure the implementation of the relevant clause of the state program on the implementation of the “Uzbekistan – 2030” strategy in the “Year of supporting youth and business”.

This information system, through the use of digital technologies in the effective organization of elections, serves to further expand the opportunities for the participants of the election process to submit documents to election commissions, make decisions of election commissions, as well as perform other actions related to the organization and conduct of elections in electronic form.

Educational and practical training was held at Jizzakh State Pedagogical University in cooperation with the election commission of Jizzakh region and “Uztelekom” Jizzakh branch in order to form the theoretical knowledge of users on the effective use of the “E-election” information system and to strengthen their practical skills on the procedure of working in the system.


Deputy chairpersons and secretaries of the regional election commission took part in these training sessions.

As a user of the system, the trainees will strengthen their practical skills by directly performing the actions that they should perform directly in the order specified in the Election Code, including actions such as applying, creating, sending, reviewing, and making decisions in the information system.