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On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of JSPU, a scientific seminar on “Towards new horizons of Babur studies” was organized.

The participants of the scientific seminar organized in cooperation with the faculty of Uzbek language and literature, Babur International Public Fund, Jizzakh regional department of the fund and the State Museum of the History of Timurids were welcomed in the “Ilon o’tdi” gorge of the Jizzakh region. An expedition called “Babur’s Past Destinations” along “Qaliya Hill” (ancient Khaliliy-a village) and “Orda” ecological park of Jizzakh city was organized for the guests under the leadership of historian scientist, associate professor Ahror Pardayev and dean of the faculty of Uzbek language and literature, associate professor Fazilat Ibragimova.

During the event, the following scientists gave lectures on the topic of “Babur studies and the scientific environment of Jizzakh, the scientific and educational significance of the Babur International Public Foundation, Babur’s views on architecture and art studies, and the issues that are expected to be solved in Babur studies.

In addition, a presentation of a book (5 volumes) by Orientalist scholar Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur, Baburites: Encyclopedic, scientific and popular scientific articles was also held at the seminar.