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Otabek Mahkamov, deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, visited Jizzakh.

The Deputy Minister got acquainted with the scientific and innovative activities of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University.

The deputy minister first got acquainted with the practical and innovative projects implemented and planned to be implemented in the Steam park research laboratory established in the main building of the university.

After that, the deputy minister visited the faculty of “Natural Sciences” and discussed the state of modern equipment of educational and scientific laboratories and information on several projects planned to be implemented on the basis of these laboratories, and he got acquainted with the methods of plant cultivation in the laboratory “In Vitro”. Deputy Minister O. Mahkamov gave suggestions and recommendations on the issue of future self-financing of the research laboratory, ensuring the close connection of laboratory work with the spheres of the national economy, attracting active young people studying under the bachelor’s degree to laboratory research work and gaining experience of international specialists.

At the end of the visit, a meeting with master’s and doctoral students was organized with the participation of Deputy Minister Otabek Mahkamov.