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Caravan “Ma’rifat ulashib” in in JSPU

JSPU should be a center that defines the spiritual and educational image of Jizzakh region, says poet and translator Asror Momin.

Asrar Momin, Shadi Atamurod and Mehri Abdurahmanov, members of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan, visited the university as part of the “Ma’rifat ulashib” (“Sharing Enlightenment”) project.

Within the framework of the “Sharing Enlightenment” project, roundtable discussions of meetings of poets and writers are being held in all HEIs of our republic. The group of writers invited as part of the project was initially received by the rector of the university. During the meeting, held in the form of a sincere conversation, the rector of the university told the guests about the preparations for the 50th anniversary celebrations and the students and young people, in particular, about literature. The conditions created for talented students who are familiar with creativity told about the activities of the “Izlanish” club, which has been established for 3 years. After that, the guests were guests of the artistic and musical evening organized in the “Professors’ Garden” of the university.

– Today, we are a participant in the “Sharing of Enlightenment” project, which is ongoing throughout the republic at the Jizzakh State Pedagogical University named after A. Qodiriy. It is no coincidence that the prelude to the meetings will take place at Jizzakh State Pedagogical University. Because it is the graduates of this university who will spread enlightenment and spirituality to Jizzakh region, future pedagogues. To the meeting of the “search” club for literature, creativity, poetry, and translation. The gathering of young creative students interested in journalism was an excellent light on light. When you say why, the thoughts and good thoughts that are said in this circle reach the whole region through young teachers like a chain, says poet and translator Asrar Momin.

The meeting organized in the “Professors’ Garden” as part of the “Sharing Enlightenment” project was a unique and unforgettable night for the participants. The guests read samples of their works. At the same time, they emphasized that the real essence of today’s meetings is to build an enlightened society in which the spiritual image of the New Uzbekistan, which we dream of, is clearly reflected, where our people aspire and our country lives happily, and to realize this great intention.

-At the moment, a scientific, creative and reading environment prevails in our university. Today, a number of well-known poets and writers of our republic visit our university and read their works and the examples of our great poets. I would not be wrong to say that today’s meeting serves to develop students spiritually in scientific, creative and journalistic directions, – says Hilola Tilabova, a member of the “Izlanish” club.

To increase the effectiveness of spiritual-educational work among students and youth, to promote the content of political, economic, social, spiritual-educational reforms among the public. Within the framework of the “Sharing Enlightenment” project, which aims to raise intellectual potential, consciousness and worldview, to raise a mature generation that lives with a sense of patriotism, love and loyalty to the people, during the week, various meetings and rounds were held in general education schools attached to the university and in student residences. interviews are organized.