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The “Bookish student” competition was held at the university.

Young people who are devoted to books will have great love for the Motherland, the holy land where they were born and raised. The goal of attracting young students to reading through the “Bookish Student” competition organized in the higher education system is also significant in that it is aimed at forming their intellectual potential, spiritual worldview, and raising feelings of loyalty and love for the country. 57 participants, selected from among hundreds of book-loving students from all faculties, took part in the competition “Bookish Student” held at the Information Resource Center of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University. The competition was held on the basis of 2 conditions. Initially, the participants tested their knowledge by taking part in the tests, and the readers who were selected and selected the most correct answers won the right to participate in the second stage of the competition. According to the results of the competition, the 1st place was awarded to Mushtariy Muhammadiyeva, a student of the Faculty of Uzbek language and literature, the 2nd place was awarded to Gudratov Orozboy, a student of the Faculty of History, and the 3rd place was awarded to Oralova Gulmira, a student of the Faculty of Foreign Languages. “I read my soul,” says the winner of the competition Mushtariy Muhammadiyeva. – Until I have free time, I will pick up a book and get acquainted with its magical world. Reading sharpens the mind and awakens pure feelings. The most important thing is that through the book, a person improves mentally and spiritually. I try to participate in almost all such contests as much as possible. This motivates me to learn more, to search more on myself.