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Within the framework of the forum, the activities of the JSPU primary organization were studied.

 Within the framework of the “Leaders’ Forum”, the youth leaders of higher education institutions got acquainted with the activities of the primary organization of the Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, which is conducting exemplary activities in the Jizzakh region.

The participants of the forum exchanged opinions and experience on the systematic implementation of work with students and young people. The guests who visited JSPU first wrote their wishes on the counter called “We are united by friendship”. After that, the guests started the tour of JSPU.

Within the framework of the program, the sports clubs visited the opportunities created for student athletes, the university library, the museum of memory of the victims of repression, the recently opened music and recording studio, and the registrar’s office. During the process, they witnessed a concert prepared by the students of the Faculty of Uzbek Language and Literature. They played wonderful songs together with amateur guitarists. The “Leaders’ Forum” was concluded by a solemn ceremony held at the University Palace of Culture.