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Life in the gift of science

An international scientific conference on the theme “Life in the gift of science” was held in the Palace of Culture of JSPU. The international scientific conference was dedicated to the memory of Pedagogical Education, Academician of the International Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Kholbota Torakulov. Times change over the years. People try to keep pace with the times and move forward. There are people whose legacy will live on forever after their death. The great scientific legacy left by Professor Kholbota Torakulov, a great man who dedicated his life to science, has an important place in the development of science. Those who spoke at the conference remembered the teacher with such words. A great scientist who made a worthy contribution to science left behind a rich scientific legacy and many students. Today, in various aspects of our republic, his students are continuing the good work started by the teacher and trying to make a worthy contribution to the development of science in Uzbekistan. At the end of the conference, the children of the late scientist H. Toragulov expressed their gratitude to the guests and students of the late scientist who participated in the conference.