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Face-to-face communication with young people helps to find solutions to problems.

Today, it is clear that the head of every responsible office has noted that working with young people is at the top of his duties. Because this is the demand of the leader of our country. “Working with young people is one of the most important tasks of all leaders, the general public, and our entire society,” said the President the meeting of the video selector on measures to increase the effectiveness of work in the field of youth policy and to further improve the system of working with them. Based on the task given at the meeting, 44 students-young people were attached to JSPU Rector Professor Sh. Sharipov. Regular meetings are organized with the attached student youth, the problems that are bothering them are studied, and measures are taken to eliminate the shortcomings on the spot. Meetings and studies are ongoing. Finding a positive solution to a student’s life problem today is the foundation laid for the well-being and strength of a family in the future.