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The course was successfully completed

The professional development course, organized by the International Nordic University in cooperation with Finnish Helsinki, Jyväskylä, Karelia and JAMK institutes of applied sciences and pedagogy, was held at a high level for two weeks.

25 managers and professors of 10 higher educational institutions of our country studied the Finnish education system for two weeks. 3 teachers from JDPU participated in the conference.

During the course, with the help of educational experts from Finland, preschool education, school, high school and higher education systems, as well as the international evaluation system, were introduced.

Based on the experiences of the Valteri Education and Consulting Center, which provides professional support for children and young people’s education throughout Finland, the specific features of the inclusive education system were studied.

Also, the course participants participated in seminars and trainings at the Karelia University of Applied Sciences. Attention was paid to the study of best practices in the field of higher education in Finland, which can be used in the reform of the education system of our country.

During the training and practical sessions, they got acquainted with the procedures for developing joint programs, modern, innovative educational environment and tools, and educational plans.

Strategic cooperation was strengthened between Karelia AF University (rector Petri Raivo) and HEIs of our country, and mutual memorandums of understanding were signed.

The participants of the course also visited the embassy of Uzbekistan in Sweden and met with the ambassador.

The advanced training course in Finland was full of heated debates and discussions, new foreign knowledge and skills were acquired. At the end of the course, the participants were awarded with certificates.