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What is public safety?

This is the name of the event held at JSPU. On March 9 of this year, at the Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, a roundtable discussion with students was organized under the leadership of Colonel B. Berdialiyev, head of the crime prevention service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and I. Amanov, the head of the Jizzakh region crime prevention department. . What is public safety first in the roundtable discussion? Detailed understanding of its content was also given. Public safety is a concept used to express the state of protection of individuals, society and the state against crime, other illegal actions, consequences of emergency situations, social conflicts, natural disasters, epidemics, major accidents, and fires. The event also provided information on meaningful organization of students’ leisure time, prevention of crime among young people, the essence and priority tasks of the concept of public safety.   At the meeting, professors and teachers of the university and young students expressed a number of suggestions and opinions related to threats to public safety and their solutions.