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The team of “Volunteers Club” has been to Bakhmal district.

Volunteers are people who do not require a salary or financial need for the good deeds they do, and consider it a duty to help. They do important things in the way of goodness, seeking applause. The members of the “Volunteer Club” consisting of young students of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University can be added to the ranks of these people. As you know, the members of the group of young students visit different districts of our region every week. This time the visit was to “Nurafshan” makhalla, Bakhmal district. At first, the volunteers visited the 36th general education school in the neighborhood. The club members conducted master classes for 5-11 graders of the school under the leadership of A. Kayumov. School students also took an active part in the master classes held on the basis of conversation and question-and-answer. After the visit, members of the “Volunteer Club” organized psychological trainings for unorganized young people and women in the neighborhood.