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Remembering Navoi…

This is the name of the event held at the Faculty of Physical Culture. The priceless scientific heritage of the great poet and thinker Alisher Navoi occupies a special place in the development of the history of not only our nation, but also world literature. In his works, Alloma showed high universal ideas, incomparable vocabulary and limitless possibilities of expression of our mother tongue with all charm and grace, and won a worthy and solid place in the hearts of millions of readers on earth. These days, on the occasion of the 582nd anniversary of Alisher Navoi’s birth, literary and artistic conferences, scientific-practical conferences and Navoi Khan evenings are being held in places in order to further study and promote Navoi’s work. The spiritual and educational evening “Remembering Navoi” organized by the students of the Faculty of Physical Culture is one of them.   This event was held in two parts. First, a scientific-educational roundtable on the topic “Understanding Navoi’s work” was organized with the participation of professors and teachers of the faculty, and in the second part of the event, an artistic composition staged by students was presented to the audience.