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“I am a donor” charity campaign continues.

In order to actively participate in the implementation of the decision PQ 348 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to further improve the activities of blood service institutions in the Republic and to develop voluntary donation among the population” dated August 9, 2022 together with the staff and volunteer students working in the university On February 5-10, the campaign “I am a donor” is being held as part of the “Blood Donation Week”. It is worth noting that this action was organized in order to provide medical assistance to young people suffering from hematological, oncohematological and other difficult-to-treat diseases, to strengthen the prevention of these diseases and to prevent the factors that cause them, and to form feelings of nobility and tolerance in young people. . “I’m a Donor” charity action was taken into account by the officials of the Jizzakh Regional Blood Transfusion Station. So far, 32 enthusiastic young people and professors have participated in this action. The Charity Campaign will last until February 10.