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Training courses for teachers were organized at the university.

On January 4-7, about 600 teachers took part in training courses held at the university’s palace of culture. The lectures about the preparation for attestation processes, the 110-point evaluation system of professors and teachers, the organization of the educational process based on the Credit-module system, improvement of the curriculum and educational programs, HEMIS, the organization of the educational process and assessment of students in the system, the activities of the newly opened Registrar’s Office and the establishment of educational services were given on the basis of trainging program. Each department made presentations on their respective topics and gave detailed information to the gathered.   During the three-day training courses, experts also provided insights into the essence of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Approving the Labor Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan”. All questions were answered in detail after the event. Participants actively participated in these courses.