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“Let’s Talk” show event was held at the university under the slogan of “Ideas worth spreading”.

At the event organized by professors and teachers of the Department of English Language Theory and Practice and dedicated to the development of English speaking skills, pedagogues and talented students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, as well as experienced guest speakers, presented their interesting topics in English in the style of “TedTalk”. At the event held in the Palace of Culture of the University, students and participants of the Faculty of Foreign Languages presented their ideas that worth spreading on the topics of “Personal Development”, “Technology in Education”, “The Book That Changed Me”, “Motivation and procrastination”, “Education and Business” and “Leadership and Influence Techniques” . It is worth noting that this event has been organized in order to attract English speakers to the events held within the framework of “Let’s Talk”, to express their independent opinion in English in public, to develop their skills, to share motivation with those who listen to the speakers’ speeches that based on increasing the interest of foreign language students and young people in learning foreign languages.