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The 3rd Regional CLIL Conference “Approaches to Teaching Content through English: Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)” was held

The 3rd international CLIL conference was held online through the ZOOM platform at the international university “Kimyo International University of Uzbekistan” in Tashkent. The coordinator of this international conference is Dr. Azamat Akbarov and he held the 1st CLIL in Bosnia in 2016, and the 2nd CLIL in Kazakhstan in 2017. The 3rd CLIL was held in Uzbekistan in cooperation with 15 universities from 10 countries and the British Council. Rectors of 4 partner universities will speak at the opening ceremony. Jizzakh State Pedagogical University participated in this international conference as a partner university, and the rector of the university Sh.S. Sharipov spoke at the opening ceremony of the conference. Also, A. Jabborova, head of the Department of English Language Teaching Methodology of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, participated with a presentation on the topic “Methods of Introducing CLIL to the Classroom”. CLIL methodology is widely used in foreign language teaching and integration with other subjects. CLIL – (Content and Language Integrated Learning) is an integrated study of content and language, according to this methodology, students strengthen their knowledge of these subjects by studying non-philological subjects in a foreign language. CLIL is one of 22 Research Networks (ReNs) of the International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA). Real representatives of CLIL, professors from Italian and Spanish universities also spoke. This is a great achievement for Uzbekistan! All participants were awarded an international certificate.