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The decision of the President No. PQ-99 dated 23.03.2023 “On measures to create additional facilities for the population in paying administrative fines and to eliminate corrupt factors in the sector” was adopted. From May 1, 2023, the system of voluntary payment of fines for administrative offenses will be simplified. This implies the following:
  • if the offender voluntarily pays 50% of the amount of the fine within 15 days, and 70% within 30 days, he will be released from paying the rest of the fine;
  • this procedure is also applied to fines imposed on the basis of court decisions.
In order to prevent abuses in the field of compulsory execution of documents of courts and other bodies and to solve the problems that plague citizens and entrepreneurs, it is determined:
  • The amount of the administrative fine applied by the Bureau of Mandatory Enforcement may not be higher than the amount specified in the enforcement document;
  • On behalf of the Enforcement Bureau, only the Chief State Executive of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Chief State Executives of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the regions and the city of Tashkent, and their headmen, as well as heads of district (city) departments of the Compulsory Enforcement Bureau have the right.
In addition, from September 1, 2023:
  • information about the expiration of a conviction or the removal of a conviction is automatically generated online in the single information system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs “Instant Information”;
  • the information about the expiration of the criminal record or the removal of the criminal record is automatically sent free of charge to the personal office of the relevant person on the Unified Interactive State Services portal no later than the morning of the date of the expiration of the criminal record or the removal of the criminal record.
  The law was published in the national database of legal documents and entered into force on March 23, 2023. Senior legal consultant A. Alikulov