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A meeting of parents on the topic “The importance of parent-university cooperation in the education of young people” was held.

The primary education faculty of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University held a meeting of parents, teachers and students on the topic “The importance of parent-university cooperation in youth education”. At this event, together with the representatives of the faculty’s parent council, professors, preventive inspectors of the university, advisers of the women’s advisory council, the university psychologist, the work being carried out for quality education and future plans were discussed. Open dialogue between the faculty management and parents on topics such as student attendance, educational activities, proper organization of extracurricular free time, employment process, organization of training in the credit-module system was conducted. Questions raised by parents were answered. As part of the event, parents were introduced to the conditions created at the university, and an exhibition of dolls made by students’ handiwork was organized.