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The updated Constitution will be a truly people’s Constitution

The meeting held in the Palace of Culture of the Jizzakh State Pedagogical University was called like that. As you know, 27 new articles are introduced into the current Constitution with the draft of the Constitutional Law, the number of articles increases from 128 to 155, the current 275 norms of our Constitution increase to 434, that is, our current Constitution is updated by 65%. At the meeting held with the participation of university professors and students, each of the main changes to the Constitution was discussed separately. It should be noted that more than 220,000 proposals were received during public discussions, and one out of every four proposals was included in the project. Those who spoke at the event acknowledged that the updated Constitution is literally becoming the People’s Constitution.     It should be said that the updated Constitution serves as the most important legal foundation for the comprehensive regulation of all aspects of the life of our society and the democratic development of our country. At the end of the meeting, the participants asked questions within the framework of the topic. All questions were answered as simply and clearly as possible. The meeting was attended by Husan Abduniyozov, deputy of the Jizzakh Regional Council of People’s Deputies, head of the regional division of the nationwide movement “Yuksalysh”, Akbar Saidkasimov, deputy of the Jizzakh Regional Council of People’s Deputies, professor of JSPU.