Inside superintendence and monitoring section

Head of the department:
Email address:
Working hours: 8.30 – 17.00
Kirjigitov Javlon Ergashevich
Phone: +(99872) 226-25-40Email address:
Working hours: 8.30 – 17.00

Xoliqulov Jamshid Akbar o‘g‘li
Chief specialist Phone: +(99872) 226-25-40

Isaqulova Yulduz Olimjon kizi
Inspector Phone: 0(372) 226-25-40
Duties and functions of the department:
- Implementation of systematic control over the quality assurance of the performance of the tasks assigned to the university in the specified terms in the decrees, decisions and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in the minutes of meetings (during visits), as well as in the decisions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- Controlling the high-quality implementation of university orders by structural divisions, organizations under management, technical colleges, lyceums, faculties within the specified time limits;
- The Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Appeals of Natural and Legal Entities”, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 10, 2021 “To strengthen the personal responsibility of the heads of state administration bodies and local executive authorities in the effective organization of the implementation of legislative documents” Decree № PD-6166 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 31, 2021, “on additional measures” “” interdepartmental unified electronic system of executive discipline is effective Decision № PD-5132 “On additional measures aimed at ensuring the performance of Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of May 7, 2018 “Model Regulation on the Procedure for Working with Appeals of Individuals and Legal Entities in State Bodies, State Institutions, and Organizations with State Participation based on the requirements of the decision № 341 “on approval”, constantly supervises and monitors the timely and necessary consideration of applications by the structural units of the university, technical colleges under the university, lyceums;
Rights and obligations of the department:
- It works in cooperation with structural departments of the university, university-owned technical colleges, lyceums;
- The department receives materials and information necessary for the implementation of tasks and functions assigned to it from structural departments of the university, technical colleges under the management of the university, and lyceums in the prescribed manner;
- Involves the employees of the structural units of the university in the formation of working groups in accordance with the established procedure for the purposeful study of executive discipline in places;
- Submits proposals to the university management regarding taking appropriate disciplinary measures against the responsible employees who violated executive discipline in the university’s constituent departments, technical colleges and lyceums under the institute, lyceums
- Structural departments of the university, technical colleges under the management of the university, organize educational-methodical and practical seminars on the issues of strengthening executive discipline in lyceums;
- In order to carefully develop relevant issues within the scope of the authority, the department attracts representatives of technical colleges and lyceums under the university in the prescribed manner, and organizes working groups for these purposes
- Prepares for approval regulatory documents that must be executed within the scope of his authority and enters them in the prescribed manner;
- Acts together with the constituent departments of the university on other issues;
- The department has other rights that do not conflict with the current regulatory legal documents.

The main functional tasks of the department head:
- Directly supervises the department, organizes the work of the department’s employees, and is fully responsible for the performance of the tasks and functions assigned to the department in accordance with this Regulation.
- He implements measures to improve the department’s activities and improve his and his staff’s qualifications.
- supervises the timely execution of legislative documents and tasks by the departments in the electronic system, reviews the effectiveness of their execution at university meetings, Council meetings, and enters summarized information together with relevant proposals;
- makes proposals to the rector on improving the effectiveness of the organization of the execution of legislative documents and assignments, as well as on strengthening the responsibility of the responsible employees of the departments in the university system in ensuring the enforcement discipline.
- submits proposals to the university management regarding taking appropriate disciplinary measures against the responsible employees who violated executive discipline in the university’s constituent departments, technical colleges and lyceums under the institute.
- organizes a systematic targeted study of the state of executive discipline in the university’s constituent departments, technical colleges and lyceums under the institute.
- Develops documents on issues related to the department’s activities, as well as ensures review of submitted draft documents and prepares proposals.
- Considers the appeals of individuals and legal entities related to the department’s activities and fully adheres to the executive discipline.
- Develops and ensures the implementation of measures for the further improvement of the work of the department.
- Timely acceptance of documents received by the University from the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Cabinet of Ministers and other directive bodies, ministries and media, and registration in the established order, as well as the management of the university, its structural controls delivery to faculties and departments.
- supervises the formalization of university orders and relevant letters.
- on the basis of the defined service tasks, in accordance with the work plan of the department, organizes and coordinates the quality of the work of employees.
- Supervises the implementation of documentation of management activities, sending letters and the preparation and formalization of internal documents.
- works in cooperation with the departments to improve the established procedures for working with documents and works and develops relevant measures.
The main tasks of the chief specialist:
- Supervises the timely execution of legislative documents and assignments and maintains an electronic system.
- Enters tasks to be controlled in the electronic system, determines the responsible executors and execution deadlines based on these tasks, verifies the completeness and accuracy of the information entered by them, and also examines the validity of proposals to extend the execution deadlines specified in the legislative documents and tasks and makes an appropriate decision.
- Controls the timely execution of laws, decrees, orders and assignments of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in an electronic system.
- Checks the completeness and accuracy of the information entered by the executives responsible for the execution of legal documents and tasks in the electronic system and takes them under control.
- Prepares a report to the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan in accordance with the procedure established by the decrees, decisions and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as the implementation of the tasks assigned to the university in the decisions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
- Participates in the purposeful and comprehensive study of the structural departments of the university, university-owned technical colleges, executive discipline in lyceums and the state of working with appeals, and participates in the development of relevant proposals.
- Performs other functional tasks within the scope of authority in accordance with legal documents.
The main tasks of the inspector:
- Ensures the execution of laws and regulations related to consideration of appeals of individuals and legal entities.
- Prepares materials on issues related to the appeals of individuals and legal entities to the meeting of the Council and supervises the implementation of the adopted decisions and orders.
- Based on the functional task of the department, he\she participates in the development of drafts of normative legal documents on the appeals of individuals and legal entities.
- Registers appeals (applications, complaints, proposals) of individuals and legal entities in the prescribed manner and within the specified time period, and conveys them to the executor after studying the content.
- Supervises the sending of a response letter (to the author of the petition, relevant organizations and agencies) by the employees responsible for the petitions received under control.
- Prepares analytical information on the timely review of applications of individuals and legal entities by the constituent departments of the institute, technical colleges and lyceums under the institute, and submits quarterly results to the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan forms input reports.
- Considers the appeals of individuals and legal entities related to the department’s activities and fully adheres to the executive discipline.
- Performs other functional tasks within the scope of authority in accordance with legal documents.