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A scientific-practical conference on “Problems of improving the management process and educational quality in educational institutions” was organized.

In accordance with the “Plan of Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activities to be Held at the Republic Scale in 2022” approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 7, 2022 the Department of School Management of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Jizzakh State Pedagogical University organized a Republican scientific and practical conference on the topic “Problems of improving the management process and educational quality in educational institutions”.In this conference, the leading scientists of our republic revealed pedagogical possibilities of continuous education system management and introduction of advanced innovations in higher education, implementation of new pedagogical technologies in the process of improving the quality of education in educational institutions, training female students in educational institutions. Topical issueassuch as the introduction of pedagogical technologies for preparation for leadership positions were discussed. The conference carried out activities in its directions, relevant conclusions were drawn, and it was decided to develop practical recommendations.