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A psychological seminar-training was held at the Student Residence on “Eliminating Exam Stress”

A psychological seminar-training on the topic “Eliminating Exam Stress” was organized at the student dormitory No. 2 of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University under the leadership of university psychologist Kh. Odiljonova. The “Volunteer Psychologists” team and the educator-pedagogue of the Student Dormitory N. Nomozova actively participated in this event.

During the seminar, effective methods of psychological diagnostics and correctional work were used with female students. The girls who participated in the sessions received valuable advice and skills on stress management, increasing motivation, and developing psychological stability.

At the end of the training, a competition was organized to increase the girls’ activity and motivation. The winning participants were awarded with souvenirs by the Chairperson of the Women’s Committee, Z. Kasimova.

This event was organized to raise the mood of female students before exams, stabilize the psychological environment among women, and provide psychological services.