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Students went on a trip.

Scientific trip was organized byby B. Zikirov and J. Kholmirzayev, professors of the Department of Geography and Economic Knowledge, together with 2nd year students  in order to carry out geographical research. During the day, teachers and students visited the Nurota state reserve, the Aydar-Arnasoy lake system, the Uchkuloch mine and thoroughly studied the areas for scientific purposes.In addition, the famous geographical objects of Forish district, i.e. the 1000-year-old fir-tree and ancient barrows in Mojrum village, aroused great interest among young researchers. A pilgrimage was also organized to the shrine of Hazrat Eshan Khalifa in the district. Students were given a lot of scientific and interesting information about the area. Organized geographical studies provided a great opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge gathered in the classroom.