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The regional stage of the “Student League” has come to an end.

The regional stage of the volleyball sport of the “Student League” among students of higher educational institutions has come to an end. It is pleasing that the boys’ and girls’ teams of the Jizzakh State Pedagogical University won the first place.

According to the results:

In the regional stage of the boys’ volleyball sports competition

1st place – the team of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University;

2nd place – the team of Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute;

3rd place – the team of the Jizzakh branch of the National University of Uzbekistan.

Results of the regional stage of the volleyball sports competition among girls:

1st place – the team of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University;

2nd place – the team of the Jizzakh branch of the National University of Uzbekistan.

3rd place – the team of Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute;