Decree of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On approval of the concept of development of the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030” dated October 8, 2019 PF-5847 and Decree No. 563 of the Cabinet of Ministers “On measures to increase the level of coverage of students in higher education institutions in the Republic” dated September 9,
The decree and the command provide for the attraction of private investment in the work of the organization of the construction and use of infrastructural objects in order to timely provide for the growing needs of higher education institutions.
Jizzakh State pedagogical institute named after A.Khadiriy was offered an initiative proposal by the private initiative
“FAIRES GARDEN” non-governmental educational institution, including a project concept. In this project, it is planned to organize the construction and activities of the Jizzakh State pedagogical institute at 4 Sharof Rakhidov Street, Jizzakh city, and Jzzakh region (0.3 hectares), the building of the student residence, designed for 600 places on the land.
Decree of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan on measures to ensure more effective organization of the process of acquisition of rights over land parcels and other immovable property as part of the South Caucasus pipeline expansion project more.
In accordance with the decision № 259 of 26 April, the concept of this project was approved by the Jizzakh State pedagogical institute June 24
th in this year. It is planned to provide students of Jizzakh State pedagogical institute with modern comfortable accommodation.
Requests and proposals for interested parties to express interest in the implementation of this project are scheduled for August 9
th , 2022 in Tashkent time 18:00 must submit up to.
Request form to express interest
Project concept
About the project
Requests and tenders (proposals) for interest are accepted at the following addresses:
- Address of the Ministry of higher and secondary special education: 100095 Tashkent City, 2-Chimboy Street, 96 house, E-mail:,, website:, phone number: +99871 246 04 27;
- Address of the Jizzakh State pedagogical institute named after Khadiriy: 4 Sharof Rakhidov Street, Jizzakh city, and Jzzakh region, E-mail:, website:, Phone number: +(99872) 226 13 57, fax: : +(99872) 226 46 56;
- Address of the Public-Private Partnership Development Agency: Yunusabad district, Tashkent City, Sh.Rashidov King Street 16-House, E-mail:,, Tel: 71-203-03-07 (701). ). (Note: The size of the file or files to send electronically should not exceed 10 MB. Therefore, please send no more than 10 MB, which is a compact file, or you can send on paper).
In accordance with Article 17 of the law ”On civil servants”, in case of receipt of a request for interest and tenders (proposals), the Ministry of Higher Education will conduct a tender to identify a private partner with the participation of a private initiator and third parties interested in the project.