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A meeting was organized with the descendants of our compatriots who suffered unfairly during the period of political repression and were victims of the infamous era.

In 1937-1953, more than 100,000 representatives of our people were victims of the repression policy by the autocratic regime, 13,000 of them were shot, thousands of people were unjustly detained and sent to exile. Extensive work is being done to study the lives and activities of our ancestors who sacrificed their lives for the development of the country and the freedom of the Motherland and were victims of political repression. On July 20 of this year, the head of our state made a decision “On expanding the work to study, promote and perpetuate the memory of our compatriots who were victims of political repression.”

According to this decision, a meeting was held with the descendants of Orifjan Olimjanov, Abdusattor Shukurov, Baizo Mirazimov, Urdushbek Salimov, Porsokhan Oppokhonov, who were victims of the infamous period who suffered unfairly during the period of political repression together with the staff of the “Memorial Museum of Repression Victims” in the university structure and the employees of the Regional Television and Radio Company.