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A trip to Samarkand was organized.

#domestic_tourism_ #Travel around Uzbekistan A trip to Samarkand was organized. Travel around Uzbekistan within the framework of the domestic tourism development program with the participation of professors and employees of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University for 5 days to ecological parks located in Zomin, Bakhmal, Forish districts, as well as Khojamushkent located in Yangiabad district. “, trips to the shrines of “Sa’d Ibn Abu Waqqas” in Gallaorol district were organized.   About 300 professors and teachers participated in these organized visits. Today’s trip was organized to the city of Samarkand. Unlike previous trips, today’s trip was attended by talented young students and teams that won various competitions. 60 students, young people and professors are participating in today’s trip organized under the motto “We will learn our history”. Until now, travelers have visited the sights and architectural monuments of the ancient-historical and always popular city of Samarkand, such as the Registan complex, the Bibikhanim mosque, and the historical site of Shahizinda. They visited one of the most auspicious places of our country – Hazrat Khizr Mosque complex, where the First President Islam Karimov rested, including S. Ayni House Museum. Today’s trip to Samarkand will end with a visit to the eternal city “Samarkand City”.