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The VII International Student Symposium on the topic “We support research and creative efforts” was held at the Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service..

Students from Romania, China, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Qatar, as well as students of Bukhara, Tashkent, Samarkand universities, as well as talented students of JSPU attended at the symposium. The symposium provided an opportunity for talented students to present their work in a professional environment equivalent to an international conference or a scientific conference of a particular discipline. Talented students of our university Ilyasov Umidjon, Abduraimov Abdulaziz, Faizullayeva Gavhar, Melsova Laylo, Azimova Durdona, Abdusobirova Marjona, Norboyeva Go’zal, Yangiboyeva Feruza participated with their presentations. Students whose work was highly appreciated were awarded with certificates and souvenirs. Also, at this symposium, the first vice-rector for youth affairs and spiritual-educational affairs S. Nazarqosimov and the head of the department of organization of scientific and research activities of talanted students D. Fazilova were awarded the international award in the nomination “The most active organizer”. the certificate was handed over. Our talented student Abduraimov Abdulaziz won an international certificate in the nomination “Best Student Paper Award”.