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4 students from JSPU won the Asian Championship.

4 students of the Faculty of Physical Culture of JSPU went to Thailand to participate in the Asian Championship. Aziza Zokirova, a 1st-year student of the university, and Nigina Oktamova, a 3rd-year student, reached the final stage of the competition. Our student Nigina Oktamova won the gold medal at the Asian Championship, defeating her Chinese opponent 5-0. 1st-year student Aziza Zokirova won the silver medal. The 3rd place went to Sabohat Khushvaktova. Our student won a bronze medal. Today, January 26, another of our students, Jahangir Zakirov, entered the ring in the finals. In the +92 kg weight category, Jahangir Zakirov fought against Chinese Aijakhair Tuongongdaji in the final and won 5:0! Our proud student Jakhongir Zakirov also won a gold medal. We sincerely congratulate our four student athletes on their victory. We are rightly proud of them. The management of the university expresses its gratitude to the teachers of our student-athletes to their parents for raising such children to adulthood. Let our student athletes return to our country with a bright face, to the bosom of the university. Good luck always.