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Academician Anatoly Sagdullaev talked to students about the Oaks civilization.

Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, A. Sagdullaev, author of several textbooks and books, well-known scientist and public figure, doctor of historical sciences, professor of JDPI talked with students of Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute. “Today, , telling about the opportunities and conditions created at the highest level in the field of technology, art and other spheres, and young people should have only one goal – high knowledge and you will teach the future teachers in schools and never forget that the most important document in life is school attestation. Because when I was able to reach this level, to become a skilled archeologist, my school years and school courses, and my participation in scientific researches, even though I was a student at that time, later, my master and doctoral dissertation especially VM Masson, GA Pugachenkova’s care was great, “academician A. Sagdullaev said. Academician A. Sagdullaev tells the students about the history of Jizzak oasis and its rich history:” This is the place where medieval Ustrushana historical and written sources, legends and narratives. Especially in this region was written many articles and textbooks about the exploitation of the Greek invader Alexander Makedonsky. There are many unfinished and unfamiliar aspects of the country of Ustrushana. I’m sure you’re still doing a lot of things for the students. Also, academician A. Sagdullayev in Central Asia today is using the term “Central Asia”. The country is making significant efforts to study the history and culture of Central Asia on a new look, thereby expressing its position on the ancient statehood and cities, the ancient Bactria, Sogd , Khorezm, Parthia and Margiana are not separated from the point of view of historical boundaries. This is because the ancient states do not fit into the present limitation. To claim that these ancient states belong to one nation and one nation, and to compete with historians is a huge political mistake. Today, the issue of interstate integration and scientific cooperation is growing. We stayed behind for 30 years, and we did not know what discoveries in archaeological research and research were, and what the world’s scientists had achieved. How many archaeological monuments have been planted in the ground! Today, our country is expanding its tourism potential. Archaeological culture and artifacts have been preserved in foreign countries. Visiting tourism is developing. Historians and architects are responsible for this. New discoveries and discoveries Our scientists have proved that the views and civilizations related to urbanism and statehood in Central Asia are not less than the Egyptian, Sumerian, Akkadian and Elamian civilizations “