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Tell me how much love costs…

December 3 – International Day of Disabled Persons! Do you know what is the cheapest thing in the world? This is love and attention. So what is the most expensive thing? It’s hard to believe, but it’s also love and attention. Everyone needs love and attention, me, you, him… Someone takes a precious gift from their father as love and attention, while someone else understands it as love when you praise him. Among us there are such destinations for whom even a single sweet word is a gift, incomparable love and attention. The hero of our story, Karomat Murtozoeva, has just turned 6 years old. Karomat, a resident of  ‘Yuksalish” mahalla of Sh.Rashidov district, has no left hand palm, she was born with the disability. The girl likes to draw very much, her relatives say that she is very intelligent for her age. She excitedly says that she will be a doctor when she grows up, and that she will treat both children and adults alike… today one of Karomat’s little dreams came true. The team of the Master’s Department of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University visited her and presented her with a set (shelf, table, chair) and a collection of books intended for preparing special lessons for students.   – I am a second-year master’s student of the Master’s Department of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University. I teach primary classes at school. I have 4 children. Karomat is my second daughter. My daughter is a very intelligent girl, although people around her see her as disabled. I believe that the possibilities of my daughter are not limited. He likes to draw very much, and he has diligently started learning English. She will go to 1st grade next year. She dreams of having a classroom from now on. I would like to thank the Master’s department of JSPU and the master’s students of group 810-21 for the fact that the first dreams of my daughter, whose dreams are as pure and innocent as her, have come true. Today’s visit has become an unforgettable event for me and my daughter, says Kamola Rahimova An unexpected thing happened while saying goodbye to Karomat. The little girl opened her hands in prayer and wished for health and well-being for herself and her loved ones. She repeatedly emphasized that we will come again, that she will definitely study for excellent grades, and that she will wait for us. Goodness knows no bounds. It is also a good thing to visit the hearts that are longing for kindness. This is also attention. Dears, let’s give way to the unlimited possibilities of the disabled. Let’s be more kind to the people around us.