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“Loving hearts- to the little hearts…”

The event organized in connection with the International Day of Disabled People on December 3 was named so. According to WHO data, every year 6-10 out of every hundred thousand babies are born with congenital heart defects, and in Uzbekistan about two and a half thousand children are born with various heart defects. The little boy you see in the picture, Hayatjon Ikramov, is two years old. He was also diagnosed with a congenital heart defect at birth. Today, Hayotjon is under the supervision of doctors at the Jizzakh Regional Children’s Multidisciplinary Medical Center. Children born with this diagnosis will be under the supervision of their parents and doctors until the end of their lives. Parents worry about every heartbeat of their sick child-suffer. At the moment, 5 children diagnosed with congenital heart defects are being treated under the supervision of doctors at the Jizzakh Regional Children’s Multidisciplinary Medical Center. The “Mehrli yurak” charity event was also organized in order to receive information from Hayatjon Ikramov and children like him who are being treated with congenital heart defects, and to bring joy to their hearts. On the initiative of the rector of the Jizzakh State Pedagogical university, Sh. Sharipov, a small artistic concert program was organized and gifts were presented to the children who were being treated at the hospital. Fairytale heroes on the stage hugging their mothers, five “tiny hearts” staring in amazement at melodious songs and grateful looks bring happiness and joy to your heart. “None of those who organized today’s beautiful events and gifts should know what grief is. I want my son to play, laugh and run like other peers. When he recovers completely, we will be a happy family. “Mehrli yurak” charity event cleared the dust in our hearts even if it was a little. I was also happy to see my son dancing and clapping. May there be more people in the world who do such good deeds. May the children with congenital heart defects, like my son, forget that they have heart problems” says Nodira Ergasheva, the mother of one of the sick children. ” A big wound is in tiny hearts”. While he is playing and laughing, he is hurting. And mothers wait for tomorrow with hope, waiting for a miracle. Today’s event was organized in order to remove the anxious thoughts from the hearts of mothers concerned about sick children, and to share joy in the hearts. We hold such events not only on the eve of important dates or holidays, but constantly, and we have no intention of stopping. Our goal is to encourage others to follow these good deeds. So that no one is indifferent to the fate of a person in need of help,” says Sh. Sharipov, rector of the university. We also want this: Let’s share “loving hearts” with tiny hearts. Let them become a chain and fill the sad eyes with joy, the painful and wounded hearts. Children should not be surrounded by doctors in white coats, but by friends, a happy family, and loved ones. Information service of Jizzakh State Pedagogical university