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“Ma’rifat ulashib” (“Sharing Enlightenment”) project invites young people to its ranks.

Unorganized youth attached to the rector of the university, neighborhood activists, schoolchildren and student youth were invited to the next event held at JSPU.

At the artistic musical evening organized by the creative youth of the university, songs were sung about love for the Motherland, love-loyalty, courage, hard work, and humanity. Speakers at the musical evening called on young people to learn and become worthy personnel for the development of the country. Students entertained the audience with their lively songs and beautiful dances and stage performances.

– The “Sharing Enlightenment” project is being implemented throughout our republic, said S. Nazargosimov, the university’s first vice-rector for work with youth, spirituality and enlightenment. Based on this project, we have held “Zakovat” intellectual games, “Munozara” debating competitions, “Mushoira” and events dedicated to the life of writers at the university. Until now, our students have met with a number of famous writers. Unorganized youth attached to the university rector, neighborhood activists and students of schools attached to JSPU were also invited to today’s event. During the event, we tried to reward active young people. We plan to hold such contests and events not only in the city center, but also in schools in remote areas attached to us. I think that such events will serve to discover talented young people in remote villages.