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“Our goal is to support you,” says university rector Sh. Sharipov

At the moment, the attention of the leaders of all higher education institutions in our country is focused on face-to-face communication with students at the university, exchanging ideas, listening to suggestions and opinions, and finding a solution to the problem that troubles each student. Under the chairmanship of the head of state, 44 students and young people were assigned to the rector of the university based on the task given at the meeting of video selectors regarding measures to increase the effectiveness of work in the field of youth policy and to further improve the system of working with them. Today’s meeting, being closer to the students, made it possible to communicate with them in a friendly manner. Students who were not used to such face-to-face communication at first began to express their problems openly and freely. The situation changed after the encouragement of the university chancellor and the statement that this conversation was organized not to “punish” but to support them. One of the interview participants is Nihola, a 4th year student of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics. Nihola is currently married and has two children. A student attends classes from one of the distant districts to the city. Her first child is disabled and often misses classes. She recently gave birth to her second child. Another interviewee, Abdulaziz, has been struggling with chronic colds for several years. Of course, attending classes is not the same as in the brochure. What should be done in such a situation? Appeals are different, if you need to support someone materially, then you need to be a spiritual support to someone. Where there is a problem, finding a mutually beneficial solution is a difficult task. At the next meeting, opinions were heard that would make the students as comfortable as possible. Offers accepted. Advice was given when appropriate. Appeals were resolved positively. The most important thing is that the student who participated in this conversation today felt that he is not a stranger to this university, that there are teachers who are ready to help him when he needs it, and who share his pain. That was actually the goal…