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Entrance exams continue in Jizzakh.

As you know, since July 14, the territory of the Jizzakh training center for Olympic and Paralympic sports has been crowded with applicants who want to become students and their relatives. Today is the seventh day of testing. Professors and teachers of the Jizzakh State Pedagogical University are actively involved in maintaining discipline in the admissions of applicants participating in the test process. Today, Mavluda Umarkulova accompanied her daughter-in-law to support her.

Madina, who came to take the exam with her 4-month-old baby in her arms, strongly believes that fortune will smile on her. Because she has a family and mother-in-law to support him. Exciting moments have begun for applicants. Relatives and friends are waiting for them around the area with hope. And we invite the parents who are no less excited than their children, who wish them luck. With the support of their grandparents, young people who intend to master the field of IT in the future strived hard to get knowledge.

Active young people of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University conducted surveys to study the social mood of parents who came to support their children. It would not be wrong to say that the musical programs prepared by the talented students of the university, sung tunes and songs raised the spirits of the parents who came to give their children spiritual encouragement. Questionnaires organized by the university administration in order to study the opinions, existing problems and suggestions of applicants and their parents in the admission processes for the 20234/2025 academic year covered mainly the following questions: “Are you satisfied with the conditions created for parents during the test?”, “How many of your children are participating in the tests this year?”, “What benefits would you like the state to provide for your child to study?”, “Do you think it is possible to get into the HEIs by corrupt means at the moment?”. These social questionnaires, specially organized for the parents of the applicants, will be conducted until the last day of the tests.