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Another spiritual and enlightenment lesson was held at the Public Security Service of the Internal Affairs Department of Jizzakh region.

In this lesson, Chief Specialist of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University “Compliance Control” System Management Department for Combating Corruption Bosimov Doston Olim gave a lecture on the topic “Conflict of interest is an obstacle to progress.”.

During the lecture, insights were given about corruption and conflict of interests. It is noted that these violations and vices seriously damage the political and economic development of any country and society, lead to the violation of human rights and freedoms, therefore, the fight against corruption and the prevention of conflicts of interest are of international importance. It is also mentioned that several laws, decisions and orders of the ministry have been adopted to fight against corruption and prevent conflicts of interest. It is advised that when you become aware of a corrupt situation and a conflict of interests in your work, you should first inform the head of the state body, institution, or organization where you work.