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The production meeting of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University began with an award ceremony.

The rector of the university, Sh. Shripov, who spoke at the university, said that Z. Abduvalieva, who has been working as the chairman of the women’s committee for almost 40 years, protected the rights and legal interests of women at the university, and their economic, social and political activity. The rector of the university, Sh. Shripov, who spoke at the university, said that Z. Abduvalieva, who has been working as the chairman of the women’s committee for almost 40 years, protected the rights and legal interests of women at the university, and their economic, social and political activity. In her turn, Z. Abduvalieva said that she is satisfied with such respect, and that she will continue to help students with her advice and work experience. Those who spoke at the event acknowledged Z. Abduvalieva’s work and expressed their warm wishes. At the end of the event, Z. Abduvalieva received a letter of thanks from the university rector and souvenirs.