According to Decree № PD-6099 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 30, 2020 “On measures for the wide implementation of a healthy lifestyle and further development of mass sports” and the Physical education and mass sports of the Federation of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan, as well as the decision of the Council of the Jizzakh Regional Union of Trade Union Organizations “On holding “Women’s Spartakiad” sports competitions among women in the region”, “Women’s spartakiad” sports competitions are scheduled to be held at a high level in cooperation with the management of the institute, the trade union committee of the institute, the spiritual and educational department, the women’s committee, the sports promoter, the sports club “Pedagog” and other partner organizations in order to increase the popularization of physical education and sports among women working in the institute, help to protect their health through wide involvement in sports and health activities and popular types of sports, “Healthy lifestyle” introduced in the institute in order to implement the program, as well as to welcome and celebrate the March 8 Women’s Day at a high level.

According to the Regulations of the competition, employees competed in volleyball, chess, checkers, table tennis, streetball, athletics, darts (for those over 50 years old). In order to organize sports competitions at a high level, a team of qualified judges was formed from the departments of the Faculty of Physical Culture to evaluate the competitions. According to the results of the competition scheduled for March 2-4, 2021, the winners of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd places and active participants were planned to be awarded with diplomas and souvenirs from the management of the university and the trade union committee.