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A seminar training on the topic “Healthy generation of the 21st century” was organized at JSPU.

Tamara Vasilievna Pshennikova was invited to the seminar by Sh. Uzokova, the main doctoral student of the department. Tamara Vasilievna Pshennikova, doctor-therapist, laureate of the First National Prize of Russia “Healthy Generation of the 21st Century”. At the seminar, issues such as how to strengthen health, follow the rules of longevity and lead a healthy lifestyle were discussed at the time of global environmental changes and food safety problems.

He called on professors and teachers to be aware of the factors that endanger their health while performing their honorable profession. Students were also given recommendations on how to lead a healthy lifestyle during their studies. The participants of the seminar received answers to their questions. All the participants were satisfied with the seminar and it was suggested to continue such meetings