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Sumalak party at JSPU was special…

Nowruz is the most important festival in the development of our national spirituality. On this day, special emphasis is placed on spring foods and various national games in every corner of our country. In particular, among our national dishes, sumalak, halim, koksomsa, and blue dumplings become the beauty of the festive table. Sumalak festivals are especially special.

From the courtyard of the Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, the sound of songs and national thermal baths spread to the surrounding area. Anyone who sees professors, teachers and students gathered around Doshkazon will be happy.

On this holiday, which was organized by the initiative of the university’s union committee and management, the rector of the university, Shavkat Sharipov, said that such traditions should be continued for many years. He pointed out that it is a symbol of kindness, peace and hospitality characteristic of our nation.

Sumalak party, full of noise, epic for seven neighborhoods, started with such warm wishes. Sumalak party will continue until tomorrow evening.