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There was a close acquaintance with the sports and recreational activities and conditions created at JSPU

Today, the University trade union is carrying out systematic work to increase the popularity of sports among employees, thereby ensuring the stability of a healthy lifestyle.

In order to further improve work in these areas, in particular, strengthening the promotion of a healthy lifestyle among workers, especially ensuring the effective use of their free time by workers and members of their families, Bahadir Yusupov, organizer of the department of physical education and sports and health improvement responsible for the Jizzakh region of the Federation of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan , visited Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, where he got acquainted with the conditions for holding sports and recreational events at the university.

In order to increase the popularization of sports, opinions were exchanged on the organization of running marathons, table tennis, badminton, chess, checkers, gymnastics, basketball, volleyball, football, and national sports competitions to improve the health of employees and their family members.