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Training courses on “Working with social networks, negative and positive situations” were organized at JSPU.

Today’s life cannot be imagined without the Internet or social networks. Most people’s activities are related to being aware of the daily news happening in the world through the Internet, social networks and Telegram channels, and transmitting them to each other. In a word, social networks are a very convenient tool for each of us to express our thoughts or communicate. Unfortunately, everything has its downsides as well as its upsides. Today, especially young students waste their valuable time and use social networks all day long. In this way, they have almost all the information and react to this or that issue based on their worldview. However, it cannot be said that all the stated relations are the opinions of people with a level, that is, spiritual people. Especially today, even those who do not have enough knowledge and skills, without thinking about whether it is right or wrong, do not think about any information distributed on social networks or about certain issues. they express their opinion whether their potential is sufficient or not. The saddest thing is that it is impossible to enumerate the baseless and low-level information that is being shared through social networks. In some cases, unfounded, one-sided information and posts are also given by various channel admins and bloggers on social networks. Authors using unfounded information (in particular, various comments at the bottom of posts posted on Facebook and Telegram channels) try to tarnish the honor of the organization and convince others. the struggle requires the opinions and judgments of staff with knowledge, objectivity and social media skills, whose unbiased approach can influence readers and netizens. Deputy deans and tutors for spiritual and educational work of all faculties were invited  to the educational courses organized in cooperation with the Department of Spiritual and Educational Work with Youth, the Department of Coordination of Student Accommodation, and the University Information Service at Jizzakh State Pedagogical University. In the first session of training courses on the topic “Working in social networks”, the topics of working with social networks, fake news and fact-checking were taught to the listeners. It should be noted that during the month-long training sessions, students will be given lessons on current topics such as combating information attacks, establishing effective cooperation with the mass media, and working with the public. At the end of the training sessions organized by the media-trainers of the industry, it is planned to give certificates to the listeners.