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An international conference was held at JSPU in cooperation with Portsmouth University of Great Britain.

The Department of English Theory and Practice of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of the Jizzakh State Pedagogical University and the prestigious Portsmouth University of Great Britain discussed issues of academic and scientific cooperation, innovations and new opportunities in the fields of education and scientific research at the international conference.

At the conference, lectures were given on improving the quality of education, exchange of experience between pedagogues and students, as well as ways to further develop scientific cooperation between the two universities. Lectures and seminars were also organized by Portsmouth University professors, where modern approaches and methodologies in the field of science and education were widely covered.

Head of the Department of Theory and Practice of the English Language A. Jabborova, Associate Professor of the Department of English Language Practical Course G. Ganiyeva, basic doctoral student E. Ortikova participated in the conference with their lectures.

This international event was important in order to bring the scientific and creative cooperation between Jizzakh State Pedagogical University and Portsmouth University to a new level, as well as to expand the participation of students in modern education and scientific research.