“Brooke House College Football Academy”, the first football school in Tashkent specializing in the training of young players based on the English methodology, makes an important contribution to the system of training high-level players in Uzbekistan. Under the leadership of Shuhrat Ernazarov, executive director of this football school’s branch in Tashkent, coaches and football stars visited the university several times. During the visit, master classes were held for young athletes. Yesterday, a group of coaches led by Shuhrat Ernazarov visited Jizzakh State Pedagogical University. The purpose of the visit is to sign a memorandum of cooperation with the football school “Brooke House College Football Academy”. There is no doubt that the memorandum of cooperation signed with the aim of popularizing the sport of football among students, creating an opportunity for training based on European standards, and training young players will bear fruit in the coming days.