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Implementation of the concept of public safety on the ground.

As part of the large-scale reforms implemented in our country, special attention is being paid to ensuring a peaceful and peaceful life of the population and forming a culture of obedience to the law and public safety in our society.

In particular, completely new mechanisms and procedures for organizing work in the direction of public safety on the basis of the principle of “serving the interests of the people” were introduced, and mutual purposeful cooperation of state bodies with public structures was established. At the same time, the various dangers and conflicts that are increasing in the world, threats to the peace and tranquility of the country, pandemics, natural and man-made disasters make the government bodies responsible for their activities to be prioritized the task of “All efforts are for human dignity”.

At the meeting held at the Jizzakh State Pedagogical University with the participation of professors, teachers and students, it was discussed about this and the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 29, 2021 “Approval of the concept of public safety of the Republic of Uzbekistan and measures to implement it”. The content and essence of the decree “On Events” were given, full explanations were provided about the entities that ensure public safety and participate in it, specified in this document. The meeting was attended by Colonel Kamalov Oybek Akhmatovich, deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, professor.