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An event was organized on the theme “Let’s protect the Earth”.

It has been almost four and a half billion years since the planet Earth was created. More than 29 percent of it is on land, and the rest is in seas and oceans. Although only 11% of cultivated land is cultivated, it produces 88% of the food products needed by humans.

Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Geography and Basics of Economic Knowledge at the event organized on the theme “Let’s protect the Earth” on the occasion of “EARTH DAY”, paid attention to these aspects. Those who spoke at the event called to feel the unity of our planet, to use all forces to ensure security in the world, maintain international peace and protect the Earth, which is considered the only home of all people.

At the end of the event, a photo competition was held on the theme “Let’s protect the Earth”. Active participants were recognized by the organizers.